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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Procedures

4 Paws Mobile Spa COVID-19

Dog Grooming Procedures


Please make sure the parking area outside your house is clear before your appointed time. For everyone’s protection groomers are unable to enter your property.


On arrival, they will park and prepare the Mobile Spa. They will then place the cable by your front door (or plug in if you have an external plug socket). 

The groomer will ring you and ask you to bring your dog to the vehicle. Please clip your dog’s lead (no extendable leads, please) to the clip on the wing mirror of the van.


Please do not hand your dog to the groomer and at all times keep at least a 2 metre distance between you.


You can then return to your home. The groomer will ring you when your dog is ready and will ask you to unplug the cable. You can then come outside and collect your dog from the front of the vehicle.


Over the past year, we have instigated a series of precautionary measures at our salons and mobile spas in response to Covid-19 pandemic, including increased cleaning and disinfection procedures. In addition to the steps we’re taking, we kindly ask you to take the following precautions:


  • We are no longer accepting cash payments. We are taking card details over the phone at time of booking. We will not process payment until the groom has been completed.


  • If you’ve been exposed to COVID-19, had close contact with someone who has, or you’re experiencing symptoms please call us. We will be able to advise you on how your pets can receive the care they need.


  • If you need to change any appointment because you are in isolation, please call us and we will rearrange it for you.


  • If you are self-isolating with COVID-19 please let us know as soon as possible. This is so we can implement measures to protect our staff and other clients, some of whom are elderly or could be more susceptible to illness.


  • We are following the government’s most recent advice regarding the measures we need to take to help control the spread of COVID-19. Please contact us if you’d like further advice about caring for your pet during the pandemic. 


The team at 4 Paws are doing our part to keep pets, clients and our staff healthy during COVID-19 (Coronavirus) by following the British Veterinary Association guidelines.

If you have any questions about your dog's groom, please call us!

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